The Royal See views the transformation
of man as a Royal Principal and its sacred duty. We see our duty to assist man transform transform himself into the likeness of God, as far as man is allowed to do so, because man can become essentially what he believes. We believe that transformation comes from knowing that deep within you that you are more than a physical body, and that the essence of being human includes the ability to think and feel, a higher consciousness, to know that there is an intelligence suffusing all forms in the universe. You are able to tap into the invisible part of you, to use your mind in the way god intended you to so do. You will be guided by forces that are always at work in the universe. This means that you are a soul with a body not a body with a soul. That you are not a spiritual being having a spiritual experience, but rather a spiritual being having a human experience. But should you decide to tune your soul, you may find yourself living at an entirely new level and enjoy a higher level of awareness - that is an awakening. As long as you doubt or resist you will not see the benefits. Once you start to make a transformation of you, there is no going back. You start to develop a knowledge that is so powerful that you will wonder how you could have lived any other way. The awakened life begins to own you, and then you simply know within that you are on the right path. You do not even hear the protestations of those who have chosen something quite different for themselves. But, it must be remembered that like water the harder you squeese the less you have. You must relax and let it happen to you in God's time. You must give it up, to have it all. Transformation is the ability and willingness to live beyond your form. There are no limitations on your ability to think. You can imagine yourself doing anything. You can be anything, go anywhere, and experience anything provided it is what God wants you to do now and provided you have listened to his desires and do them according to His master plan, You must be the conduct through which God's will flows. Paul suggests in Romans 12:2 "And be not confirmed to this world but be ye transformed by renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". You will create for yourself a life that is literally without limitations. You will begin to see miracles occurring because you believe in them and expect them to materialise for you. In fact, you will become the miracle worker yourself. Take care of the precious temple that houses you. Fear of death will dissolve as you come closer to an awareness that your essential self never dies. It is the energy that composes the universe. You will be transformed. You will see what you believe. PRINTED 27/1/1991